Monday, April 28, 2008

Johnny Cooper

We spent my 25th birthday going to a Johnny Cooper concert. It was awesome! They put on a great show! Here are a few pics:


Well, the car is fixed, but it hurt my pocket book more than I expected. They flushed the radiator and replaced the "Bleeder Valve Housing" (housing on the thermostat). I'm just happy it's fixed. I celebrated by spending more money on a car wash. (it needed it)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Home At Last!

Finally made it home. Mom and Larry showed up and saved the day. Larry put "StopLeak" in the radiator fluid and my car was magically fixed. As much as I can't stand stupid people, I have to cut them some slack... When it comes to cars, I'm the stupid person. Either way, I made it home with no trouble at all after that; just got here 3 hours later than expected. Now I get to get up and go to work in the morning... Joy! =P

Drivin Home Blues

It's a shame that love isn't enough to power and maintain a vehicle. I absolutely love my new convertible, but here I sit on the side of the road waiting for help. I overheated. It looks like a seal. I doubt it's a big deal to get fixed, but it's certainly enough to put a stop to my drive home. Mom and Larry are at least an hour away and the cop car that's supposed to come help me is apparently in no hurry.

Later: I stand corrected... The cop showed up as I wrote that last sentence. He gave me a lift to a gas station and I got some water for the car. I made it to a Texaco station in Decatur and am waiting on Mom & Larry. It was kind of cool to ride in a cop car... never done that before. He couldn't have been much older than me... Maybe even younger. He was a total prick; It was hilarious. He was nice to me, but I'm glad we didn't meet under different circumstances. Oh well, I didn't have anything better to do today, right? I needed a little adventure.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fish Fry

I'm out at "Merrill Gardens" in Wichita Falls. Mom just started her new job here as the Executive Director. It's an assisted living facility. (Apartments for old people.) They're having their 9th annual fish fry; All the fried fish, hamburgers, and hot dogs you can eat. They've even got a live band. "The Lone Star Trubadors" I have it on good authority that they are the "Nursing Home Kings!" I don't know if they're signing autographs, but I'm the mosh pit isn't too bad, or we'll have broken hips all around!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Blog Up And Running

Here it is... yay...