Sunday, April 27, 2008

Drivin Home Blues

It's a shame that love isn't enough to power and maintain a vehicle. I absolutely love my new convertible, but here I sit on the side of the road waiting for help. I overheated. It looks like a seal. I doubt it's a big deal to get fixed, but it's certainly enough to put a stop to my drive home. Mom and Larry are at least an hour away and the cop car that's supposed to come help me is apparently in no hurry.

Later: I stand corrected... The cop showed up as I wrote that last sentence. He gave me a lift to a gas station and I got some water for the car. I made it to a Texaco station in Decatur and am waiting on Mom & Larry. It was kind of cool to ride in a cop car... never done that before. He couldn't have been much older than me... Maybe even younger. He was a total prick; It was hilarious. He was nice to me, but I'm glad we didn't meet under different circumstances. Oh well, I didn't have anything better to do today, right? I needed a little adventure.

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