Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh yeah...

By the way... NEW YEARS RESOLUTION #1....


Even if no one reads it... maybe I can acquire a healthy sense of accomplishment....




ZexyJulz said...

Hey there, well I did read it, but I also found a way to import this to your facebook...maybe not the best Idea because I still censor my poetry there...lol

amy said...

So how's that posting more often thing working out for you...? :)

Me said...

I'm workin up to it...

Robert Brown said...

I think the choice to not blog is as artisticly valid as those who spew tons of content. I like to believe that Cody is making a statement by not stating anything. :)

Me said...

*Tear* You get me man... You totally get me... *sniff*

amy said...

Is that in the same vein as the painters who paint a canvas white and say they're expressing their apathy towards the world?

Me said...

Sort of... but deeper and more profound. :P

amy said...

So you realize you have more written here than on the entire rest of the blog, right...?

Get busy!

(I'll be playing the part of the pot tonight--you good for the kettle?)