Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Raises Don't Suck

I got to give someone a raise for the first time today. I liked it. It was easily the best part of my whole day. I wish I could give them out all the time. Bar none, they're one of the best motivators out there. We did the whole evaluation thing. The cool part is he had no idea he was going to be evaluated. I could tell he was nervous and I think I enjoyed that part of it a little too much. Regardless, it was pretty quick. The evaluation was pretty generic... 3 things you suck at and 3 things you're good at... Here's a raise, now get better at the things you suck at. I really like the guy and he deserved it. He's a good worker and does what I ask him to. That's a lot more than I can say about employees I've had in the past. So... if you ever get the chance to give a raise to someone who deserves it... relish the opportunity.

1 comment:

Robert Brown said...

Raises are much more fun to give than firings. I'd like to get to the point where I give way more raises than firings.